For my first interview I interviewed my grandpa. Here is the link to the interview questions and answers.
For my second interview I interviewed my grandma, She doesn't know too much about her family history so I didn't get as much information as I hoped. Here is a link to the interview questions and answers.
I emailed my grandpa, the same person for my first interview. He helped me out a lot on this project. Here is a link to the email I sent him.
In my family tree I only went up to my grandparents, but I did all my cousins which you will see is a lot of people. Along with my step siblings too. Here is a link to my FamilyEcho.
In my Prezi I did some family members on both my moms and dads side of the family. Here is my Prezi
In my infographic I included information about my families businesses that they owned and also when my ancestors came to America.